The 'Lest We Forget' Association
Providing Entertainment and Support for Disabled Ex-servicemen and Women


The Royal Star & Garter Home has moved.

by Alan Lenton

The Royal Star & Garter Home has moved.

The Royal Star and Garter Home, in Richmond, London was built between 1921 and 1924 to provide accommodation and nursing facilities for 180 seriously injured servicemen.

In 2011, it was announced that the Grade II listed building would be sold as it did not now meet modern requirements and could not be easily or economically upgraded.

A new home was opened in Solihull, West Midlands, and the remaining residents at the Richmond home moved to a new purpose-built building in Surbiton in 2013.

During World War I, an old hotel on this site, the Star and Garter, which had been a popular place of entertainment in the 18th and 19th centuries but had closed in 1906, was taken over and used as a military hospital. The hotel banqueting hall and ballroom were temporarily used to house disabled soldiers, but were found to be unsuitable for their specialised needs. The hotel buildings were demolished in 1919 and rebuilt as the Star and Garter Home. The new building was dedicated in 1924 as the Women of the Empire’s Memorial of the Great War (see photo).

A Farewell Concert and Tea Party took place on May 9th 2013, with music provided by the Band of HM Royal Marines Collingwood

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